The Race for the White House Mother Jones‘ comprehensive guide to the World Wide Web sites of 25 declared and undeclared presidential candidates, from Clinton and Dole, to Gingrich, LaRouche, Bradley, and Paulsen (who?). The MoJo Wire site offers more than 100 related links.

Turn Left Webmaster Mike Silverman offers a clearinghouse for liberal Web activists, with links to government offices, foreign policy sites, and his “Fight the Right” pages, which include “Reagan Debunking” and “MilitiaWatch.”

And, for some raw feminist ranting, check out the low-tech charms of Catt’s Claws. The newsletter is not meant to wow you with impossibly complex graphics, only to keep the cause alive, because “women’s rights are young and tender and we must protect them from the plagues of holy hypocrisy and newts.”