A library is enough
Re: “Sugarcoating Reagan

I hated Reagan as a president and am extremely opposed to any monument to him (other than the obligatory library that all presidents get.) I was sickened to watch Nancy at the ceremony dedicating a Navy destroyer after him. His administration was an insult to every middle- and low-income American, and with these incessant monuments to the man, I wonder if will we ever escape his influence.

Beth Wolfe
Tampa, FL


Reagan’s real legacy
Re: “Sugarcoating Reagan

Reagan’s real record includes waging a war on the peasants of El Salvador (which killed 70,000 people), on Nicaragua (which killed 20,000 people), on Honduras (which killed 200,000 people),and on Guatemala (which killed 100,000 people). Reagan had nothing to do with winning the Cold War either. The Soviets were already turning away, seeking computer technology and free markets. Above all, Reagan should be remembered as a war criminal.

Don Phelps


Slow learners at the DEA
Re: “The Drug War Comes to the Rez

The government demonstrates their ignorance at every opportunity. You’d think that after 500 years, the government would get tired of such behavior. Remember, each time they pull a stunt like that and we survive it, we’re that much stronger for it. Much love and support from this Mohawk to my brothers and sisters in Pine Ridge.

Chad Diabo


The Reagan side of the moon
Re: “Sugarcoating Reagan

If Reagan is to be carved into Mt. Rushmore, let it be his backside that is enshrined. That’s more in keeping with the spirit of what he gave the country.

Roger Jones


Playing Mr. President
Re: “Sugarcoating Reagan

Advertisers have long proved you can sell a sucker a dud most any day with the right use of words. Looks like the American Sucker is going to have to live with the false and hyper-created memory of a man who ran California into debt before he was elected President, then ran America into debt in much the same way.

It is really a shame the American people spend so much time “consuming” instead of paying attention to what happens in their country. Reagan belongs in Hollywood’s hall of fame — the only actor to play a US President for eight years who was actually elected to the roll in real life.

Mona Hughes


What gives them the right?
Re: “Ten Worst Corporations of 2000

Why do these giant corporations have the right to poison, cheat, and deceive us? Because we let them. By separating business and state as completely as we once did church and state, we can stop crooked lobbyists from bribing government officials. Once such lobbyists are out of the way, our elected representatives will have far less incentive to turn their backs while mega-corporations pillage our lands and rob our coffers in the name of “progress” and “profit.” This done, we will enter the post-industrial age and once again progress as a society and a species.

Sue Williams


The Gipper deserves every last jelly bean
Re: “Sugarcoating Reagan

At 78 years young, I look back at all the Presidents in my lifetime and Ronald Reagan stands head and shoulders above all the rest.

Why? Not only did he succeed in ending the cold war with the USSR, but he gave this country something much needed: a sense of pride and patriotism that we had not seen in too long a time. He was a man we could relate to, who brought back the good values we had always believed in, and whom we thought of with utmost respect.

Yes, Ronald Reagan deserves every tribute we can pay him, may God bless him and in some way allow him to know how much we loved him.

Alice Williams


The federal double standard
Re: “The Drug War Comes to the Rez

Part of me wants to point out that the only treaties (or portions thereof) that the US Government abides by are those that are convenient for the current administration. Shouldn’t the feds at least compensate Mr. White Plume for his loss while this is all being hashed out in court? If Federal Law allows for subsidy of other farmers, why not Mr. White Plume?

Will Stahl


Focus on Nike’s responsibilities
Re: “Greenwashing on Trial

Anytime a corporation enters the realm of “free speech” it is a public relations ploy and therefore the equivalent of advertising. Nike’s claims that they were entitled to protection of their “free speech” are undermined by the fact that the ads or “public addresses” were dishonest. The sway that corporations such as Nike have on public opinion is too large for us as a society to condone their lies as “free speech.” They have a responsibility to the public and to the consumers to be truthful and we as a culture should hold them to that every chance we get.

Mariette Peeters