The Long Arm of Enron
Re: “From Enron to Activism”

Thanks for the update on action by Enron employees. I, too, felt rather smug as a state employee about having no “risk” in my retirement portfolio, that is, until I just happened to read that Public Employees of California Pension Fund was a major investor in Enron. None of us are safe, but many of us aren’t even aware of the risks we’re taking, much less feel able to do anything about them. Keep the light shining on the issue.

Marcia Tewell
Denver, CO


Another Voice Muffled?
Re: “Winning Elections … and T-Shirts?”

In the article, you mention how our leaders do not read e-mail from constituents. This infuriates me. So what if it is a boilerplate letter? Someone still has to agree with it, and send it in his name. How sad, we finally find an easy way to get our message across, and our elected officials ignore it!

G.L. LeBlanc


There’s More Than One Fox
Re: “A Fox in the Electoral Henhouse?”

I believe our political campaigns should be totally financed by the public. This is the only way to get us back to a citizen congress, instead of career politicians that are, for the most part, bought and paid for. Until we do this, it will make no difference who is on the Federal Election Commission. We will continue down this road of our government being for the special few at the expense of the everyday Americans.

Keven Beeken
Sidney, NE


The Left Awakes!
Re: “Blindness and Madness”

After reading Todd Gitlin’s piece on Israel, Palestine, and the US, I couldn’t help hoping that the somnambulism of the left was perhaps dissipating. I keep an archive of Sept. 11 articles from the web, and it is evident that as a force of opposition to the failed foreign policies of the administration, this country is filled with moderate, liberal, and left-wing thinkers who are more than capable of taking on the grossly dishonest and intellectually vacuous arguments of the populist neo-liberals of the right. Whether reading someone like William Kristol or George Will, it is astonishing that men of such dubious intellectual foundations have such clout in national politics or are regarded as qualified to speak on matters that gravely affect the public weal with virtually no real challenge.

Reading Gitlin’s piece has reminded me of the importance of taking on the historical and ethical misinformation being peddled by the right today at every possible turn. Civility and intelligence must return to political debate. Shrill, unopposed rhetoric of the Nightline variety must be countered with informed dialogue. Your magazine is evidence that it is not only possible, but necessary to elevate political discourse in this country if we’re to find our way out of the morass of the last fifty years.

Tom Hill


Nothing is so rare as common sense. This is a thoughtful, common sense analysis of a very complex problem, and unfortunately, this administration with its gang of cold war gaffers, a vice president who stays mainly in the plain bunker, a White House occupant who isn’t all that bright and seems bent on dismantling this democracy is not likely to listen to Professor Gitlin. If it doesn’t have gadgets or gimmicks or snappy slogans, it surely can’t be worthwhile to this president. I’d welcome back Bill Clinton in times like these, when experience, intelligence and common sense is needed at home and abroad. Thanks for a great article.

Cathryn Baillie
Issaquah, WA