Protecting Our Vote with Eric Holder and Ari Berman

Protecting Our Vote with Eric Holder and Ari Berman

Join us for a timely conversation about voter suppression and the 2020 election with former US Attorney General Eric Holder.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

1:00-2:00 p.m. PT

Less than a month away from Election Day 2020, the right to vote is still under attack. From states passing new voter suppression laws to gerrymandering efforts that manipulate district lines, it has become increasingly difficult for voters to exercise their democratic rights. And now there are even more barriers to casting our vote amidst a nationwide pandemic.

Yet a surge in civic action to protect these rights is building momentum, and former US Attorney General Eric Holder is leading the fight against unfair voting maps. Join AG Holder and Mother Jones senior reporter Ari Berman as they discuss the state of voting rights just weeks before Election 2020 and other timely topics including how the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg will affect Supreme Court decisions on voting, the fight over voting rules in key swing states, and how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting how Americans cast their ballots.