FRIDAY CAT BLOGGING…. So, how about if we see if Friday Catblogging works here at the new digs? Let’s see: (1) take cute picture of cats, (2) upload to MoJo site, (3) click Preview.
Hey, how about that! It works just like it used to. What a relief. That new kid Benen over at the Monthly does have a cat — cute little thing, too — but I don’t know if he’s going to let himself get badgered into catblogging every week. I guess the regulars are going to have to work on him about that. Over here, though, the tradition continues.
Today we have a rare picture with both cats in the same frame. A couple of early Christmas presents arrived the other day, and for Domino, the box full of peanuts was an early Christmas present too. Inkblot, bless his tiny little feline brain, seemed pretty sure something was up but never quite worked up the energy to actually look in the box and confirm his suspicions. Instead he just rolled around beside it while Domino waited for the worst. Never happened though, and eventually he just fell asleep.