THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH….If Walter Cronkite could manage to talk semi-intelligently for hours on end during an Apollo countdown in which, literally, absolutely nothing was happening, why can’t today’s talking heads find something semi-intelligent to say while they cover political conventions for hours on end? It is a mystery.
However, despite the amusing personnel meltdowns taking place on air over at MSNBC, Fox’s Megyn Kelly surely deserves the idiot award of the week for this comment on Michelle Obama’s speech:
Do you think that, you know, her saying that she loves America, that she loves this country, is going to do it for those who questioned her patriotism? Because she said something — what she said was, and I wrote it down, was, “The world as it is just won’t do.” If you replace “world” with “country,” you’re back to the same debate, arguably, that you have been having about Michelle Obama’s feelings about this country.
Why yes! And if you replace “world” with, say, “broccoli,” then Michelle is dissing the vegetable industry! We could play this game for hours, couldn’t we?