SARAH PALIN’S SPEECH….As expected, she’s doing a very good job. In a way, she’s every bit the pit bull Giuliani is, all the way down to the withering scorn and sarcastic asides. But she brings it off better than Rudy: it’s more straightforward, more earnest, and yes, more small town. I don’t think this speech will stop the questions about her selection, but it’s certainly going to have an impact. She’s coming off very well in her appointed role, and making a tough, smart, and very appealing first impression.
But holy cow, can this woman pull off the culture war stuff, or what? I gather that she didn’t, in fact, ever really support Pat Buchanan, but she’s every bit his disciple and successor in spirit. Wow.
And maybe just one more comment: for all that both Giuliani and Palin attacked Obama for being too full of himself, I don’t think I’ve ever heard two more adulatory speeches in my life. You’d think John McCain was the second coming of George Washington the way they sang their nonstop panegyrics to him.
But the crowd is definitely on its feet tonight. Quite a contrast from Tuesday.
UPDATE: From Matt Yglesias: “Give Sarah Palin this much — her understanding of the geopolitics of energy is every bit as daft as that of much more seasoned conservative pseudoexperts. She can spin out outlandish and ultimately nonsensical scenarios about Iran (or Venezuela) deploying the mythical ‘oil weapon’ and she, too, can ignore the fundamentally global nature of hydrocarbon markets by prattling about ‘energy independence.'”
That’s actually kind of an interesting point. On a substantive level, I’d say the most preposterous part of her speech was on precisely the one topic she’s supposed to be already well versed on: energy. Nothing she said made any sense at all. The amount of new oil we can drill in the United States is tiny, not large. Nothing we do on that front will have the slightest impact on either foreign producers or the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Iran doesn’t control a fifth of the world’s energy supply. And clean coal doesn’t exist. It was just a farrago of nonsense from beginning to end.