FRIDAY CATBLOGGING….I had something new and exciting planned for today, but a combination of technical problems and feline noncooperation scotched my best efforts. Maybe next week.
But things turned out OK anyway. Domino is taking the week off because I ended up snapping this picture of Inkblot at the last minute (i.e., about an hour ago) and I thought it deserved more prominent treatment than usual. Magnificent, isn’t he? Mother Jones is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, which means I’m not allowed to endorse candidates for office, but my reading of the law suggests that this applies only to human candidates. So consider this Inkblot’s official campaign portrait. That’s a face you can trust to get tough with Wall Street, get tough with Ahmadinewhoever, and get especially tough on our nation’s growing problem of barking suburban dogs. Inkblot ’08!
By the way, if you’re in the Orange County area, I’ll be on a panel today at UC Irvine that features “conversations among important contemporary bloggers.” Unfortunately, Ezra Klein had to cancel, so they got me instead. My session is at 3:45. Details here and here if you want to drop by.