NORTH CAROLINA WATCH….Liddy Dole airs an ad against Kay Hagan accusing her of being a pagan:
“Godless Americans and Kay Hagan. She hid from cameras. Took godless money,” the ad concludes. “What did Kay Hagan promise in return?”
This is like a spoof from Saturday Night Live or something. Godless money? Is the Republican Party really this bound and determined to give up what small shreds of credibility they still have left?
Watching this campaign has been sort of like watching The Office. (The Gervais version, anyway.) It’s sort of excruciating, and you keep wanting to turn your head away in embarrassment, but you’re mesmerized despite it all and you keep watching. And after each episode you think they really can’t top that. But then they do.
Less than a week to go, though. It’s longer than The Office, but the campaign still has to end eventually.