YUMMY, YUMMY KOOL-AID….From Mark Krikorian, commenting on Sarah Palin’s views on immigration reform:
“What Palin’s response shows is that [] she’s completely open to whatever kool-aid they want her to drink.”
He’s quite right, of course. Note, however, that this is coming from neither a liberal nor from a moderate conservative complaining that Palin is too right-wing. It’s coming from an immigration hardliner complaining that Palin is too accomodating.
Normally the hardliners don’t talk about this because Palin’s lack of interest in policy of any kind, along with her resulting willingness to drink Kool-Aid of whatever flavor is put in front of her, is a feature, not a bug. Every once in a while, though, it comes back to bite them.
But don’t worry, Mark. I’m sure she’ll learn the proper responses before long.