BLAGO UPDATE….George Stephanopoulos reports that Barack Obama’s internal review shows that Rahm Emanuel had only one direct phone call with Rod Blagojevich:
The contact, described as a “pro-forma” courtesy call, came as Emanuel was named Chief of Staff for Obama. Most of the discussion concerned Emanuel’s Congressional seat (which had previously been held by Blagojevich), with only a “passing reference” to the Senate vacancy, according to these sources. No deal for the Senate vacancy was discussed.
….The sources add that the report will show Emanuel also had four phone calls with Blagojevich Chief of Staff John Harris….Sources [] confirm that Emanuel made the case for picking Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett during at least one of the conversations. In the course of that conversation, Harris asked if in return for picking Jarrett, “all we get is appreciation, right?” “Right,” Emanuel responded.
Apparently Obama is ready to release his review just as soon as prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald lets him. Sad news for the press, which will then have to manufacture some other pseudo-scandal to fill up its air space.