JINDAL BOWS OUT….Is Louisiana governor and GOP superstar Bobby Jindal planning to run for president in 2012?
At a news conference Wednesday with Bob McDonnell, Virginia’s 2009 Republican candidate for governor, Jindal was asked if he was interested in being president, AP reports.
His answer: “No.”
Jindal said he’s planning to run for reelection in 2011, something that would make pivoting to a national campaign logistically and politically tricky.
I’d say this confirms that Jindal isn’t an idiot. Sure, it’s possible that Barack Obama is going to crash and burn and turn 2012 into a Republican year. But what are the odds? Far more likely is that Obama is a shoo-in for a second term, and whoever runs against him will suffer the same fate as George McGovern, Walter Mondale, Bob Dole, and John Kerry. The GOP will find someone to embark on this suicide run, but it will have to be someone both dumber and with a lot more jejune self-regard than Jindal. Palin 2012!