The Obama family has apparently settled on the type of dog they want:
First Lady Michelle Obama told People Magazine that the the family wants to find a rescue Portuguese Water dog.
….But the name is still a source of familial tension in the White House.”Oh, the names are really bad. I don’t even want to mention it, because
there are names floating around and they’re bad,” Mrs. Obama said. “I think, Frank was one of them. Frank! Moose was another one of them. Moose. I said, well, what if the dog isn’t a moose?”
As I recall, my mother pretty much let us kids name the cats when we were young. This produced inspired names like Meow (my sister’s doing, I think), Tippy (white tip on her tail — at least until the day I slammed a door on it accidentally) and Butterfly (a huge black cat who may have been the least butterflyish animal ever born). But you know, they all seemed like pretty good names to us. So if the Obama kids want to name their dog Moose, I say let ’em.