Apparently Republican mau-mauing on Guantanamo is working:
A bill by Senate Democrats would fund the closure of the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but it would block the transfer of any of the detainees to the United States.
….Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) on Wednesday circulated an approximately $91.5-billion measure that includes $50 million to shutter the Guantanamo facility and move its prisoners — with the proviso that they can’t be sent to the United States. The Senate bill appears to favor paying foreign governments to accept the prisoners.
Are Democrats really still so afraid of loony-bin GOP videos that they have to indulge in this nonsense? Prisoners who need to be transferred can be kept perfectly safely in any ordinary civilian or military prison in the United States, and everyone knows it. It’s time for Dems to get out of their fetal crouch, call out the Republican leadership loudly and clearly for its transparent cynicism and fearmongering, make it clear that we trust the United States Army to run a stockade, and pass a bill letting the military house the prisoners wherever it chooses to. Somewhere near Washington DC would be a good symbolic gesture. It’s time for some adult supervision here.