Hey, I thought MSM columnists weren’t allowed to use the word “lie”? Either (a) Steven Pearlstein didn’t get the memo, (b) the rules are different for Pulitzer Prize winners, or (c) Republican lies about healthcare reform have caused his brain to explode:
There is no credible way to look at what has been proposed by the president or any congressional committee and conclude that these will result in a government takeover of the health-care system. That is a flat-out lie
….Health reform will cost taxpayers at least a trillion dollars. Another lie.
….The Republican lies about the economics of health reform are also heavily laced with hypocrisy. While holding themselves out as paragons of fiscal rectitude, Republicans grandstand against just about every idea to reduce the amount of health care people consume or the prices paid to health-care providers.
And he didn’t even get around to mentioning the “Democrats want to kill granny” meme or the “Obama wants you to snitch on your neighbor” meme or the “liberals want to provide spa vacations to illegal immigrants” meme. I guess his column wasn’t long enough.