Dave Schuler thinks it’s time to crack down on Iran:
We should implement consequences for Iran as stern as we can make them, non-violent in nature but punitive in quality. We should muster all of the permanent members of the Security Council to participate in these measures but be prepared to proceed without them. A peaceful, prosperous, and just Iran is in Russian and Chinese interests
as it is in ours and, if they elect to support tyranny in Iran, Russia and China should be made aware that this latest tyranny in Iran will eventually end and the Iranian people will know who supported the tyrants and who opposed them.
Setting aside the question of whether this is wise or not, I don’t quite get what the sanctions crowd is after. We have no diplomatic relations with Iran. Trade is embargoed and imports are prohibited. (Except for Persian rugs!) We sanction foreign companies who do business with Iran. Investment in Iran is prohibited. The Treasury Departments forbids banks from processing even indirect financial transactions with Iran. There’s a little more we could do, but not much.
As for Russia and China, sure, the current U.S. sanctions would have a lot more bite if the rest of the world joined in. But what leverage do we have to make that happen? Hell, even Europe isn’t on board with our sanctions regime, let alone China and Russia. There’s just not a lot we can do on that front.
Is there anything more of any real consequence that the U.S. could do unilaterally? Is there anything serious the U.S. could do to get the rest of the world to support us? I don’t really see it. What am I missing here?