Take your pick. First, here’s David Waldman on Ben Nelson’s abortion compromise:
The problem with leaving the decision up to the states, he says, is that it doesn’t go far enough. “I think states should leave the abortion question up to the counties,” he explains. “Then I think counties should leave the abortion question up to municipalities. Then the neighborhoods should leave the abortion question up to each block.” And each block, as you might have guessed, should leave the abortion question up to each household.
And here’s Stan Collender on Olympia Snowe’s claim that after endless months of negotiation she’s going to vote against the healthcare bill because she feels “rushed”:
Many things in American politics are silly but, assuming it’s true, this has to be considered a lifetime achievement award.
And finally, here’s Ezra Klein’s favorite line from the CBO report that scored the Senate bill:
The 5 percent excise tax on cosmetic surgery was eliminated, and a 10 percent excise tax on indoor tanning services was added.
But the day is still young. There’s bound to be more good stuff later on. Especially when senators start getting tired and cranky later tonight.