Catblogging today is a visual metaphor for the dismal week we progressives have been suffering through. It’s been raining Old Testament style this week in Southern California, and that means Inkblot doesn’t get to go out and play in the morning. Instead, all he can do is stare forlornly out the bleak, gray window, wondering why Daddy won’t let him go outside.
Of course, he should know why by now. Daddy did let him go out once or twice earlier in the week and feline opinion was firm: Inkblot. Did. Not. Like. It. At all. Water came out of the sky and fell on his fur! I’ve told him he should blame it all on Democratic fecklessness and Republican intransigence. And why not? That’s what I’m blaming everything else on this week. Might as well get some mileage out of it.
Here’s hoping that everyone regains a measure of sanity next week. There’s a lot of work to do.