Since Bruce Bartlett has gone to the trouble of making a nice chart out of the latest Kos/Research 2000 poll, it would be churlish of me not to steal it. So here it is. Source data here. Cliff Notes version: Republicans are nuts.
But let’s look on the bright side. Only 23% of Republicans want to secede from the union. Not bad! Only 21% think ACORN was able to pillage the 8 million votes it would have taken to steal the 2008 election. Reality based! And be honest: Sarah Palin does have more executive experience than Barack Obama. Especially now that she’s managed that book tour. So there’s nothing wrong with thinking she’s better qualified to be president.
I used to talk about the Texification of the Republican Party, but that’s now obsolete. We’re officially seeing the Foxification of the Republican Party. It’s Roger Ailes’ world now, we just live in it.