Via Spencer Ackerman, here is Sen. Jon Kyl (R–Ariz.) kvetching about the recently completed Nuclear Security Summit:
“The summit’s purported accomplishment is a nonbinding communique that largely restates current policy and makes no meaningful progress in dealing with nuclear terrorism threats or the ticking clock represented by Iran’s nuclear weapons program,” said Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), a prominent critic of Obama’s nuclear policies.
Well now. China agreed to sanctions on Iran. Ukraine agreed to give up their HEU. Russia agreed to close down its last plutonium plant. And the entire conference agreed to focus far more attention on keeping fissile material out of the hands of terrorists.
But, yeah, it didn’t solve every world problem instantly in its first meeting. By that yardstick the whole thing was a failure.
And that sound you just heard? It was Kyl’s knee jerking so hard he gave himself a concussion. Crikey.