From Jack Dorsey, creator and co-founder of Twitter, on Apple’s new iPad:
I’m most excited about the potential of being able to get closer to data — to be able to touch data. Being able to use your fingers for every aspect of the experience is something that’s really going to change computing.
Seriously? I’m agnostic on the whole tablet computing thing, but surely being able to “touch” an iPad is the least of its attractions. Is there really a widespread feeling out there that our keyboards are getting between us and our data?
UPDATE: RickNAnn tweets: “If you used an iPhone regularly you’d understand, I think.” Maybe so! At the moment, though, I barely even use my old dinosaur cell phone for calling people, let alone anything else, so I’m still a couple of steps away from that. I guess I’m waiting for direct brainstem connections to be invented first. Get cracking, scientists.