Gotta love this. Since airlines now routinely charge large fees for checked baggage, it makes sense that the fee should be refunded if your checked baggage doesn’t successfully get to your destination with you. Airlines, of course, are outraged at the idea:
In comments filed with the federal agency last week, the [Air Transport Assn.] said each airline should have the choice of offering a refund, depending on competition in the marketplace….The airline group also said it opposed the refund idea because a government mandate like this would only raise fares for everyone, including people who don’t check bags. Finally, the association said a refund won’t work because the requirement for “timely delivered” bags is a “subjective standard” and would “not account for varying conditions.”
Varying conditions indeed. It’s one thing if your flight is late due to weather or mechanical problems or whatnot. But if your flight makes it to your destination but your bags don’t? What’s the excuse other than airline incompetence? And why should I pay $25 a bag for that?
Feel free to take this kvetching with a grain of salt. I’m annoyed because Delta Airlines managed to trash yet another piece of my luggage yesterday. Considering that Marian and I don’t travel more than a few times a year, it’s remarkable how quickly our luggage falls apart these days. Is it crappy luggage or is it airline abuse? I guess I’ll never be able to prove it one way or the other, will I?