A few days ago, after reading yet another story about Bill Clinton’s superhuman ability to socialize untiringly with every person he’s ever laid eyes on, I said, half jokingly, “I hope his brain is preserved for science when he dies.” Well, now I know just the guy to do the preserving, superstar brain cataloger Jacopo Annese, the man entrusted with the last remains of Henry Molaison, “the most important brain of the twentieth century”:
People who’ve read newspaper articles about Annese’s work with Henry’s brain have already called him up, made direct arrangements to donate their own….Annese knows the publicity will continue, hopes it will continue to inspire donation. He had wanted to get the brain of the guy Rain Man was based on, but that hadn’t worked out. Eventually he’d like to get somebody really big, a household name, Bill Clinton, someone like that.
Exactly! Bill Clinton! What better resting spot for our 42nd president than Annese’s Brain Observatory, “the world’s largest [and] most useful collection of brains”? Quick, somebody start a Facebook page dedicated to this project.