I like this picture of Inkblot a lot. So much, in fact, that I’m running it bigger than usual and turning over the entire day to him. But all is not lost for Domino lovers: if you look closely, you can see her snoozing in the background.
But that’s not all! Today I have a special shoutout for Gert, a faithful reader from Minnesota and Florida who’s celebrating her 80th birthday this weekend. Gert’s a former librarian and technophile who, according to daughter Marie, “took to computers and the Internet like a duck to water….When we were little she used to bring us library books home to read; now she sends email links to articles collected from an astonishing variety of sources. She can’t get enough news about current events; she’s been a political activist from back when they were hoping the ERA would pass.” Sounds like my kind of reader. Have a great 80th, Gert.