A friend of mine reads National Review’s leading lights so I don’t have to:
The Corner is funny today. No, this is not an embarrassing day for the right. Quite the contrary. That speech was way, way too petulant. (Seriously. Go back and watch it again. Did you see it? …Okay, try watching it again. …Still no? Just trust me. He’s a ball of rage.) He was so unlikeable when he was releasing his birth certificate. And you know what the real question is: why did he wait so long to release it?
Also, you know why the media covered the Birther issue? It has nothing to do with the fact that the majority of the primary voters in our Party are Birthers, or that they have been kicking this story around for more than two years, or the fact that the presidential “candidate” who is now leading in many polls has made this his main issue. No. That would be embarrassing to admit. Which we don’t have to, because the real reason the media covers it is this: because Obama’s budget plan doesn’t add up!
Plus, you’ve got to give Trump credit for forcing the issue here. Am I right?
Finally putting the Birther thing to rest: a bad day for Obama.
This is great. And while we’re on the subject, I’d like to encourage the rest of my friends to write my blog posts for me too. It really makes my job a lot easier.