No, healthcare reform will not cost America 800,000 jobs. (Link.) What’s next up to bat? Oh yes: the claim that the Chicago thugs in the White House are engaged in naked corruption by granting waivers from the law to organizations friendly to the Democratic Party. Take it away, Suzy:
Now an audit by the Government Accountability Office—the investigative watchdog of Congress—has blown the GOP attack out of the water….According to the GAO, the Obama administration granted waivers if following the new health-care regulations would raise premiums for employers by more than 10 percent. It generally rejected applications if the premiums would rise by 6 percent or less. Overall, the Obama administration “approved 1,347—more than 95 percent—of the applications in their entirety, while rejecting 25 in part and 40 in whole,” The Hill reports.
What’s more, “according to the GAO’s data, the majority of denials were for plans that covered union employees,” the House Energy and Commerce Democrats pointed out on Tuesday. Such evidence further deflates the GOP accusation that unions were getting a disproportionate number of waivers because of their political ties to the Democratic Party.
This stuff is never going to stop, of course. The party that brought you death panels is unlikely to let facts get in their way, after all. By this time next year we’ll probably be hearing that Obamacare deliberately favors illegal immigrants over hardworking white people, leading to thousands of deaths of people who probably would have voted against The One in November. Brace yourselves.