Here’s yet another sign of the encroaching Muslim Kenyan socialist Sharia law hellscape that is Barack Obama’s Amerika:
Virtually all health insurance plans could soon be required to offer female patients free coverage of prescription birth control, breast-pump rentals, counseling for domestic violence, and annual wellness exams and HIV tests as a result of recommendations released Tuesday by an independent advisory panel of health experts.
….Jeanne Monahan, director of the Center for Human Dignity at the socially conservative Family Research Council, said that many Americans may object to birth control on religious grounds. “They should not be forced to have to pay into insurance plans that violate their consciences. Their conscience rights should be protected,” she said.
Uh huh. Everyone should have the right to insist that they be covered by an insurance company that doesn’t cover anything they disapprove of for other people. That sounds pretty sensible.
In any case, the rest of us look forward to joining the 21st century. This includes, by the way, virtually every single person that Jeanne Monahan
thinks she’s speaking for: “A Guttmacher study found that 98 percent of sexually active Catholic women and nearly 100 percent of evangelicals have used contraception at some point, compared to 99 percent of women overall.” If that number is right, it sure doesn’t sound like very many people actually object to birth control on religious grounds, as opposed to pretending they object, does it?