Sorry for the radio silence about tonight’s debate, but I’m still in a state of shock. This was a full-on freak show. No blog description can do it justice, I’m afraid. It was just two continuous hours of stupid prepackaged zingers, chuckleheaded ignorance, and reactionary one-upsmanship for the benefit of the adoring tea party audience. Even Jon Huntsman decided that full-bore idiocy was his only chance to make an impression. Mitt Romney tried gallantly to stay just barely on the right side of sanity, but it’s not clear that it helped him any. The CNN pundits seemed much more impressed with Rick Perry’s virile “presence.”
Jesus, what a depressing experience. Europe is about to implode, there’s a pretty good chance that this could be enough to tip our economy back into recession too, and one of those clowns on the stage tonight might end up being president when it happens. Lord help us.