From my colleague Tim Murphy, commenting on a speech Rick Perry gave in New Hampshire on Friday:
Have you ever seen anyone so happy to receive a jug of maple syrup?
That comes toward the end, and Tim is right. Perry looks as if this is the first time in his life he’s encountered the stuff. The rest of Perry’s delivery is — um, a bit quirky too. Like this:
This is such a cool state. I mean, come on, “Live free or die”? You gotta love that, right? I come from a state where they had this little place called the Alamo, and they declared “Victory or death.” You know, we’re kinda into those slogans, man, it’s like “Live free or die,” “Victory or death,” bring it!
Okey dokey. I guess that’s what it takes when the local polls have you tied for sixth with Michele Bachmann at 3.3%.