I told Marian I’d take her out to dinner tonight, so that’s what I’m going to do. That means no debate wrapup from me — which, frankly, is no great loss since tonight’s debate has been pretty dull so far. In place of serious commentary, then, here are my debate-related tweets from tonight. Enjoy.
5:01: I guess Michael Bay style intros are the new normal for Republican debates.
5:04 Hate to admit it, but Jim Cramer is sort of the perfect questioner for one of these spectacles.
5:14 Perry’s solution for Italy: they’re too big, must be broken up.
5:20 Debate so far: taxes bad, bailouts bad, Obamacare bad, illegal immigrants bad.
5:39 Good news for Rick Perry: he hasn’t gotten very many questions so far.
5:48 Responding to housing question, Perry slags regulations. But Texas did well during housing bust precisely because it had stronger regs.
5:50 RT @richlowry: perry has a genius for making any policy–no matter how worthy–sound crude and simplistic
5:52 RT @emptywheel: What would you do to Fannie Mae? Cain: Is she a blonde? Does she want a job?
5:59 Gingrich is really in full asshole mode tonight.
6:03 Santorum’s whining really needs to stop. Does he have any idea how unattractive it makes him?
6:17 Total Perry meltdown. Can’t remember what agencies he wants to nuke.
OK, I’m glad I stayed for that last Perry moment. I expect it to be on 24/7 cable news loop within the hour. Now I’m going to dinner.