On the left, we have a rare archive photo of Domino playing in the Christmas wrapping paper. I’m using “rare” here in the sense that’s recently become so common for this kind of thing: Not that there are actually any fewer Christmas photos of Domino than there are of any others, but simply in the sense that no one has ever seen this one before. I’m not really sure when or why that sense of “rare” became common, but it has, and it bugs me, so I’m taking this opportunity to vent about it. On the right, Inkblot has taken possession of our Scrabble dictionary following a bloodthirsty game last night. I came in third out of three, partly because of bad luck (isn’t that what everyone always says?) and partly because I was too dimwitted at the end to realize that I could have played DEARIE, not just DEAR. That would have used up a bunch of those damn vowels! Marian still would have won if I’d done that, but at least I could have come in second.