As long as the Republican convention is the topic of conversation today, Dave Weigel reports that in their frenzy to make “We built it” last night’s convention theme, Republicans are still lopping out a big section of Obama’s famous “you didn’t build that” speech and splicing together the two sections in bold:
Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that.
I know, I know: politics ain’t beanbag. And past campaigns have hardly been simon pure. But there’s something more….what? Cavalier? Routine? Brazen? Don’t give a shit? What’s the right word to describe the Romney campaign’s approach here?
This is hardly the worst campaign attack ever. Swift boating was worse. Willie Horton was worse. The endlessly twisted quotes of Al Gore were worse. But those attacks were all based on at least a kernel of truth that was twisted for political ends. That’s not admirable, but it’s hardly unusual either. But Romney’s lies aren’t even remotely defensible, and the campaign barely even bothers to try. The welfare attack works, so they’re going to use it. If you have a problem with that, go pound sand. You don’t think it’s right to just excise a big chunk of Obama’s quote in order to make him say something he didn’t? Tough titties. It’s flatly not true that any money has been taken from the Medicare trust fund? Meh. And these are the centerpieces of his campaign.
I struggle to describe this. It’s not worse than past attacks, but it is different. In the past, you felt that maybe campaigns were at least a little bit embarrassed about this kind of thing. They’d blame it on someone else. They’d try to produce some lame defense. They’d haul out some fake white paper to give themselves cover. They’d do something. The Romney campaign just doesn’t seem to care. If it works, they use it. It’s like the campaign is being run by cyborgs.
I dunno. What’s the right word to describe this?