I don’t really blame Republicans for desperately trying to change the subject after the release of the secret Romney fundraising video, but it cracks me up that they’re trying to make hay out of this 1998 statement from Obama:
I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody’s got a shot. How do we pool resources at the same time as we decentralize delivery systems in ways that both foster competition, can work in the marketplace, and can foster innovation at the local level and can be tailored to particular communities.
It’s not just that this is 14 years old. It’s not just that Obama extols competition, the marketplace, and innovation. It’s the fact that this is basically buzzword central. I mean, this is a guy who’s obviously trying to make it sound like he has some kind of actual governing philosophy, and tossing in every piece of MBA-speak he can think of to hide the fact that he’s saying nothing. If he had immediately followed this up with a reading of “Jabberwocky” I wouldn’t have been surprised.
And this is supposed to be the evidence that Obama is some kind of radical socialist who hates the free market? Sure. In reality, it’s evidence that he was spending a little too much time back then in the pop business aisle at Barnes & Noble.