Around here, we’re not selfish about birthdays. I get what’s inside the box, Domino gets the box itself. As you can see, everyone is pretty contented with this arrangement.
In other news, a new catacomb has been discovered in Rome. By a cat: “Curti and a friend were following the cat at 10pm on Tuesday when it scampered towards a low tufa rock cliff close to his home near Via di Pietralata in a residential area of the city. ‘The cat managed to get into a grotto and we followed the sound of its miaowing,’ he said. Inside the small opening in the cliff the two men found themselves surrounded by niches dug into the rock similar to those used by the Romans to hold funeral urns, while what appeared to be human bones littered the floor.”
Sure, dogs might save you if your house catches on fire. Big deal. Cats are helping us reclaim the lost relics of Western civilization. Advantage: cats.