It’s time to take bets. Last week the stars aligned and the media went into an insane feeding frenzy about what Obamacare’s rollout problems meant. Democrats in disarray! No, wait. It’s worse. Democrats are running for the exits! No, wait. Next year’s midterms are set to be a disaster! No, wait. Obamacare is doomed! No, wait. Liberalism is doomed!
So here’s the bet. This has pretty obviously become a game of one-upsmanship, and it seems to be continuing this week. For a story to get attention, it has to be even more hysterical than anything that’s come before, so that’s what we’re getting. It’s a doom-mongering bubble.
But bubbles always burst eventually. So when will the backlash arrive? What story will, in retrospect, be seen as the pinnacle of panic-stricken hysteria? Who will write it? When will it appear? Make your guess in comments.