I’m a little behind on the news right now, but it sure looks like things are getting a whole lot hotter in the Middle East. Here are a few headlines:
Saudi Jets Strike Yemen in Bid to Halt Houthis
Tikrit airstrikes draw U.S. into battle between militants and Iraqi forces
Obama Says He Will Delay Withdrawal of U.S. Troops from Afghanistan
Iran-backed rebels loot Yemen files about U.S. spy operations
U.S. Role in Middle East Revamped Amid Chaos
That last headline comes from the Wall Street Journal, and seems to sum things up pretty well. The story includes this:
[Kenneth] Pollack, the former CIA analyst, said the military campaign in Yemen is unlikely to have a positive effect on the country’s fractured dynamics.
“The idea that this is going to produce some kind of a peaceful settlement is ridiculous,” Mr. Pollack said. “The more likely outcome is it just prolongs the stalemate.” The Persian Gulf countries could consider the use of ground troops to make progress, which should be a concern for the U.S., he said.
What could go wrong?