Donald Trump has told prospective donors that, if elected president, he plans to nominate former Goldman Sachs banker Steve Mnuchin for U.S. Treasury Secretary.
That’s according to Anthony Scaramucci, a high-profile hedge fund manager and Trump fundraiser….Earlier this year, the 53-year-old Mnuchin joined Donald Trump’s campaign as national finance chairman.
Trump’s message to Wall Street is: The guy calling you for donations is going to be Secretary of the Treasury in a few months. So no worries: treat him right and he’ll treat you right.
This comes via Jordan Weissmann, who has about the right take on things: “Promising to pick a Wall Street banker whom you have charged with the task of raising money for your campaign from other Wall Street bankers to head the Treasury Department may be the single most straightforward way a presidential candidate could auction himself off to the financial services sector.” Trump is quite the man of the people, no?