I have to schlep up to LA this morning for—something. To be honest, I’m not sure what. It’s a routine follow-up from my stem cell transplant last year, but the last time I did this nobody did anything useful. There were no tests. No questions that my regular oncologist hadn’t already asked. No advice. No nothing.
So I don’t really know what the point is. Nonetheless, off I go. There’s no telling when I’ll be back, but this is probably about it for blogging today. See you tomorrow!
UPDATE: Nothing new to report. We just reviewed all the stuff I already knew and then I got my latest round of baby vaccines. (After the stem cell transplant, all my immunities were wiped out.) So I’m once again safe from polio, rusty nails, and pneumococcal something or other.
But I guess I did learn one new thing. For the past two months I’ve been unusually tired, and sure enough, that turns out to be an effect of the maintenance med I’m taking. It also means it’s not going away anytime soon, and might even get worse. Blah.