From the New York Times on Thursday:
Pressed by the F.B.I. about her email practices at the State Department, Hillary Clinton told investigators that former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell had advised her to use a personal email account. The account is included in the notes the Federal Bureau of Investigation handed over to Congress on Tuesday, relaying in detail the three-and-a-half-hour interview with Mrs. Clinton in early July that led to the decision by James B. Comey, the bureau’s director, not to pursue criminal charges against her.
Well, that didn’t take long. Should we assume that basically everything in the FBI file is going to be steadily leaked to the press? Magic 8-Ball says “Signs point to yes.”
And I don’t even know which side leaked this. Democrats who figured it justified Hillary’s behavior? Republicans trying to make it look like Hillary is passing the buck? Hard to say. At this point, though, Congress might as well just release the entire package. Whatever’s in it, we’re better off getting the whole thing instead of periodic leaks strategically taken out of context to make Hillary look either good or bad.