Behold Wikipedia: “World Cat Day, August 8th, was created in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare. World Cat Day is celebrated on 17 February in much of Europe and on 1 March in Russia.”
Why is it celebrated on February 17th and March 1st in other countries if World Cat Day is August 8th? This is a mystery. But it does prompt the occasional email. Here’s one I got a few minutes ago from a disgruntled reader:
Why are newspapers even mentioning cats instead of hard news? I might blame Mondays but this blog is in every edition. Guess what, cats are not important. They should not be wasting space in a news organization. I understand that you are pandering to the ‘madding crowd’ but for heavens sake, stop it and replace it with ‘REAL’ news.
Cats are not important? Hmmph. I think we all know what I have to say about that:
Isn’t she adorable? Who’s not important now, huh? Not this incredibly cute calico kitten, that’s for sure. She is now officially named Cinnamon, by the way, and she’s either peering into a bathtub or else her tiny size is making a sink look ginormous.1
1It’s a bathtub.