Here’s an odd thing:
Net favs Friday update. A little shift in last week. Will vote follow next week?
— Charles Franklin (@PollsAndVotes) September 16, 2016
Around Monday or Tuesday of this week, Hillary Clinton’s favorables went up about four points and Donald Trump’s went down four points. In Clinton’s case, maybe her pneumonia generated some sympathy? In Trump’s case, it’s hard to figure out what might have happened. David Fahrenthold’s big story about Trump’s charity scams came out around then. The whole “deplorables” thing was getting some attention. And…that’s about it. Nothing really comes to mind that might account for a sudden downward spike.
So what’s going on? It could be that this is nothing but reversion to the mean after a couple of weeks of Emailgate and Foundationgate taking a toll. That would actually make some sense, since attitudes toward Clinton and Trump have been remarkably stable for the entire past year. In any case, maybe this will help panicky Dems to panic a little less.