For months Donald Trump attacked the FBI as a corrupt, rigged organization because it had failed to indict Hillary Clinton. Then, when they announced an ongoing review of some new emails last week, he suddenly declared that he was “very proud” of the FBI. But now they’ve announced that they found nothing new and still have no plans to indict Clinton. What does Trump think of that?
Trump’s handlers have taken away his cell phone, so we don’t know. However, we’ll always have his surrogates, who continue to have access to America’s Agora:
Former head of DIA pretending not to know that computers exist.
— David Masad (@badnetworker) November 6, 2016
Comey must be under enormous political pressure to cave like this and announce something he cant possibly know.
— Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) November 6, 2016
She broke the law and violated federal statutes, but they willfully, selectively and politically chose not to prosecute. #CORRUPTION
— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) November 6, 2016
Today’s FBI “conclusion” justifies even more why we need to #draintheswamp & elect @realDonaldTrump #truthneeds2betold
— Scottie Nell Hughes (@scottienhughes) November 6, 2016
Obviously Comey caved to the Clinton machine and is every bit as corrupt as they thought. Drain the swamp!