It’s that time of year again—when we beg our readers for tax-deductible donations to support our work.
But we’ve never been too much into doing things the way they’ve always been done. Case in point: Clara and Monika’s new piece that argues for investigating Donald Trump—and supporting MoJo—includes this appraisal of the media:
“Why was it only now, well past the election, that Trump is being pushed to address how we would deal with banks to which he is in debt, or foreign leaders who have a say over his company’s projects? Simply put: Math. Advertising pays fractions of a penny per click, which means that publishers have to pump out buckets of fast, cheap content to make ends meet, and that leaves little opportunity for serious investigation.
….In normal times, right now we’d be in the middle of the kind of routine end-of-year fundraising drive many nonprofits do in December (“We need to raise $250,000 by December 31!”). But these aren’t normal times. So enough with the marketing pitches. None of us needs to be motivated by some arbitrary fundraising goal. Covering Trump, and what he represents, will take everything we’ve got.”
Yep. Here’s a small sample of my headlines (from this week alone!). If you think pieces like this matter, I hope you’ll pitch in a few bucks to help us do it.
- NBC NEWS: Putin Personally Directed Anti-Clicking Hacking
- No, the Senate Will Not “Heavily Vet” Trump’s Cabinet Nominees
- Chart of the Day: Republicans Sure Are Warming Up to Vladimir Putin
- Working Class Hero Donald Trump Sure Has Been Good For Wall Street
- Russia Ran the Most Epic Ratfucking Operation in History This Year
- How Putin Got His Pet Game Show Host Elected President
- Here is Rex Tillerson’s Awesome Record at ExxonMobil
And now, as your reward for reading this far (and donating to MoJo), here is Hopper enjoying herself in the garden earlier this week. And don’t forget: today is also Beethoven’s birthday. Let’s all listen to the 7th Symphony.