Pew Research released some exciting news yesterday about religious affiliation: among most age groups, I am no longer part of the most hated religion in America. In fact, among millennials, there are four religious groups more disliked than atheists. Woot! Overall, Muslims are now two points ahead of atheists for the title of most hated, compared to only one point three years ago.1
Oldsters still dislike atheists even more than they fear Muslims, but it’s a close call. Pretty soon, every age group in America will hate someone else more than they hate atheists. Thrilling, isn’t it?
On a more serious note, Pew also reports a rather astonishing increase in warmth toward all religious groups among Americans. Apparently we hate other people’s religions a little less than we did in 2014. Progress.
1Also, no one is trying to ban atheists from entering the country. The good news just keeps pouring in for us godless heathens.