Kevin Dietsch/CNP via ZUMA
So far we have:
- A health care bill so gratuitously brutal it seems almost intended to fail.
- A budget that’s very plainly just a piece of performance art designed to outrage liberals.
- A new immigration order so similar to the first one that Trump must have known it would be blocked in court.
- A funding request for a border wall that’s basically a demand for a blank check that Congress will never pass.
- A string of conspiracy theories (illegal voting, Trump Tower wiretaps, Obama is masterminding leaks) seemingly designed to waste congressional time.
- And, of course, an endless series of hollow executive orders, bombastic tweets, and sob stories about the media mistreating poor Donald.
Incompetence is the obvious explanation for all this, but you gotta wonder. Is Trump trying to fail so he can blame everyone else when things go to hell while he remains a populist hero? Just by accident you’d think he’d do a few things that might actually work.