Dan Drezner is in town hawking his new book, so I went up to UCLA on Tuesday afternoon to have lunch with him. We’ve “known” each other for 15 years, and it seemed high time we actually met each other. Our lunch conversation was exactly what you’d expect: a dozen or so variations of open-mouthed amazement at the first hundred days of the Donald Trump shitshow. You’ve heard it all before.
Anyway, I took the rest of the day off and puttered around LA. When I finally got home, I ate a few quick bites and then did a brief check-in to see if anything had happened.
And…it turns out that after a meeting with Trump in February, James Comey wrote a memo saying that Trump had explicitly asked him to kill the investigation into Mike Flynn’s ties to Russia. Suddenly impeachment isn’t just some wackadoodle idea from the fever swamps. This is the real deal. We have a president who makes wild accusations of wiretapping against his predecessor; blabs top secret information to the Russians; asks the FBI director to kill an investigation involving his friends; and is pretty clearly deteriorating mentally before our eyes. This is a time bomb that we really can’t afford to ignore any longer. It’s time for Republicans to step up.