By the way, Donald Trump is getting good marks for today’s speech in Saudi Arabia because he managed to recite it adequately off the teleprompter and didn’t veer off topic into any of the usual Trump idiocy.
Seriously. This is what the coverage is like. Apparently that’s all we expect from a president these days.1
One other note: I’m not sure how many people have noticed this, but Trump has a long history of talking big when he’s on a stage or on TV but backing down when he meets people face-to-face. It’s already happened with China, Japan, Mexico, Germany, and a host of others. Now it’s happening with Saudi Arabia, which seems to have Trump practically in thrall. This should come as no surprise to anyone.
1Of course, the last time this happened was Trump’s state-of-the-union address, and he managed to bollox that up within two days. I won’t be surprised if he does the same this time.