The US Senate has released a list of the workplace harassment claims that it’s settled since 1997. There are a total of 13 settlements totaling $600,000, and since everything is better in chart form, here’s what the settlements were for:
That looks like more than 13, doesn’t it? And more than $600,000, too. That’s because some of the settlements are for multiple issues. Violations of the Family and Medical Leave Act, for example, are almost always paired up with something else.
Anyway, it looks like age discrimination is the biggest issue in the Senate, which is kind of ironic considering that the average age of senators is, like, 103 or something. But I guess they prefer offices full of young whippersnappers who will work 20 hours a day and demonstrate endless fealty because their vaulting ambitions haven’t yet been snuffed out.
This list, by the way, is limited to settlements by the offices of actual senators. There’s a separate list for other Senate offices, and that one includes a $421,000 settlement for “race discrimination and reprisal.” That’s by far the largest settlement on either list, but if you think of it instead as a 28 bitcoin settlement, it doesn’t seem so bad, does it?