I’ve been playing around some more with high-speed photography ever since I discovered that my camera’s shutter speed goes up to 1/32,000th of a second. Below you can see the results. I’ve got two hummingbird pictures, both full-frame photos taken within a few feet. I’ve got a honeybee flying around. And I’ve got a wasp (?) of some kind. All were taken at 1/16,000th of a second. They’re shockingly good.
But I need some help. I’d love to putter around with this some more, but what can I use it for? It needs to be something outdoors, since ultra-high shutter speeds require a lot of ambient light, and it needs to be something really fast. Cars and soccer balls might as well be molasses at these speeds. I need fast. Anyone got any good ideas?
UPDATE: In comments, Chris Hill suggests the “wasp” is really a hoverfly. I’ll buy that. But its shape is very distinctive, and so are its markings (two slanted white stripes followed by three horizontal white stripes). I can’t find one that looks anything like that.
UPDATE 2: It appears to be a four-spotted aphid fly.