Canadians are usually pretty mild mannered, but get them on the subject of hockey or health care and they suddenly lose their shit:
We have gold-plated, employer-provided family health insurance from a major US corporation and it is so totally, utterly fucked, in every single way, every single time, and so totally, utterly worse than either the Canadian or UK system, so very much more expensive…
— Cory Doctorow (@doctorow) April 13, 2018
So badly administered, so high-handed, so untrustworthy, so inconvenient, so bureaucratic, and so inadequate in every way — and this is PINNACLE of American health-care achievement.
— Cory Doctorow (@doctorow) April 13, 2018
The US “system” is unworthy of the name. It is a toxic soup of rent-seeking, featherbedding, jobsworthing, and buck-passing, and it costs many multiples of the systems everyone else in the rich world uses.
— Cory Doctorow (@doctorow) April 13, 2018
JFC, America, you could do so much better than this. Everyone else in the rich world has is so much better than you. EVERYONE. You suffer under the yoke of a system that doesn’t deliver, picks your pocket, and then spits on you.
— Cory Doctorow (@doctorow) April 13, 2018
You should be in the streets with torches and pitchforks.
— Cory Doctorow (@doctorow) April 13, 2018
OK, sure, that’s all true, but what about hip replacements? That’s the real measure of a health care system, isn’t it?